Our latest green light LED activated [2+2] cycloaddition paper has been selected as HOT Polymer Chemistry article! Excellent work by Ishrath and Kevin, in collaboration with Hendrik. Well done!
News & Events
Soft Matter Materials team members presented their work at the QUT Centre for Materials Science's 'Future Materials Symposium'. Congratulations to Marvin for winning the poster slam award for his work on photoresist design.
Congratulations to our latest PhD graduate, Jessica Alves! Well done! Very proud of you.
Well done Christina on your KIT PhD defense - we are very proud of you! Thanks for being part of QUTmaterials too!
Congratulations to Fabian on his final (Zoom) PhD seminar - well done, we are very proud!
Two colour photochemistry at it‘s finest: Congratulations to our newest PhD graduate Sabrina Bialas! We are very proud of you!
Soft Matter Materials group members were awarded by Science and Engineering Faculty (QUT) and Centre for Materials Science (QUT) for their excellent work throughout the year.
Congratulations to Christian who gave his Final Seminar from Germany today! Well done Christian, very proud and great outcomes!
Congratulations to our most recently minted PhD graduate, Kai Mundsinger! We are very proud.
Congratulations to our latest PhD graduate, Tobias ‘flying polymer’ Nitsche! We are very proud of you.
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