Today we celebrated Philipp’s PhD defense - our latest PhD graduate. Well done, Philipp, we are very proud!
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Johanna did a joint PhD with us and TU Dresden and our partner Albena Lederer. Thank you for the excellent collaboration, Albena!
The Lord of the (Boxing) Rings is our most newly minted PhD graduate - well done, Marvin, we are so proud!
Our latest PhD graduate working on wavelength orthogonal photochemical flow synthesis. We are very proud of you!
Congratulations to our most recent PhD graduate Jordan Hooker! Well done!
Professor Christopher Barner-Kowollik has been rewarded with the prestigious Macro Group UK Medal for Outstanding Achievement
Precisely Controlled Microsphere Design via Visible-Light Crosslinking of Functional Prepolymers
Florian did an impressive work during the past 3 years and we wish him all the best at the KIT node.
Rapid Assembly of Small Materials Building Blocks (Voxels) into Large Functional 3D Metamaterials
On-Demand Acid-Gated Fluorescence Switch-On in Photo-Generated Nanospheres
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